Friday, March 7, 2014

Canción de la Semana: "Vivir Mi Vida" por Marc Anthony

Last chapter my students worked on the concept of Ir+a+raw or Ir+a+infinitive. Sometimes the students had a difficult time of remembering to leave the verb after the form of ir alone, so I went looking for ways to help them remember. While listening to my IPod, I heard Marc Anthony’s song “Vivir Mi Vida” and thought that this would be perfect for helping them with this concept.

This song is FULL of Ir+a+raw / infinitive examples. In fact the chorus, which plays a ton in the song, is almost entirely made of this concept.
Another great part of this song is that it has a nice, appropriate video to use in class. It also is a perfect way to discuss culture, especially Puerto Rican culture.


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