Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Canción de la Semana: "One, Two, Three, GO!" por Belanova

Happy Spring Break!

I hope that all of you who are on Spring break this week are finding it a restful and relaxing time to recharge batteries. I know I plan to use it as such.

The song of the week this week is one of Belanova’s songs. This is a really fun, Grammy award winning band from Mexico. “One, Two, Three, GO!” is a peppy Spanish song that my students really love. The song is in Spanish, even though the title is in English. If you use this song in class, make sure to show the music video, which has a fun cheerleading/battle of the bands theme.

P.S. If you look closely you will see that all of the competing groups, and the judges, are the same people. Mind blown!


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